
Committee Memberships

Committee Members
Finance and Assets Committee Cllrs Simon Yates (Ex-officio), John Thompson, Jennie Stephens,Oliver Banwell and Andrea Morgan
Open Spaces and Cemetery Committee

Cllrs Shirley Dobbin (Chair), Jennie Stephens (Vice-Chair), Simon Yates (Ex-officio), Henrietta Ross, Angela Conway, Andrea Morgan and Chris Mair

Planning Committee Cllrs Simon Yates (Chair) (Ex-officio), Jennie Stephens (Vice-Chair), John Thompson, Angela Conway, Oliver Banwell and Chris Mair
Staffing Committee Cllrs Henrietta Ross (Chair), Simon Yates (Vice-Chair) (Ex-officio), John Thompson, Oilver Banwell and Shirley Dobbin 




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Further Information

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